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Archive for the 'Women in FOSS [en]' Category

The gender gap

Samedi, janvier 20th, 2007

Once again, Stemp (so when are you going to start blogging in English ? ;-)) reminded me of Joyce Park’s articles on venturebeat :
This issue has also been discussed on LinuxChix mailing lists.
Two good papers discussing the lack of women in computer sciences and in Open Source area (I have already stated that, to me, […]

Ubuntu-Women roundup

Samedi, janvier 13th, 2007

First Ubuntu-Women meeting was held January 11-12th, 2007, on #ubuntu-women on irc.freenode.net. It was a quite exciting roundup and an opportunity to meet with other women using Ubuntu. You can read a summary on Ubuntu-Women Wiki and download the full log of the day. Also check ubuntuforms thread and UWN #28 (still in progress as […]

Ubuntu-women IRC meeting [en]

Vendredi, décembre 22nd, 2006

This meeting will be on #ubuntu-women on irc.freenode.net, Thusday january 11, 2007, starting 15:00 UTC and Friday january 12, 2007 starting 03:00 UTC :-)
The schedule was set up to cope with different timezones. Logs will be published. Everyone welcome.
Please see : Ubuntu wiki, the ubunruforums thread and the fridge annoucements

Ubuntu bug #2 ? [en]

Mardi, décembre 19th, 2006

Or bug in Linux in general ? or bug in society ? We should think about it. There are so few women in the Ubuntu community, in Linux communities, in some areas of our society, such as science and technology. What would be the best answer ?
This idea comes from yugo, answering one of my […]

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